Even before Miervaldis Indriksons was killed by a workplace accident in South Australia (see previous entry) another First Transport man had died there when being driven home from his work.
Ksaveras Antanaitis was born in 4 February 1911, in the village of Dabitai, in the Sakiai district of Lithuania. Like many Lithuanians, he left his homeland during the Second World War. Ksaveras is the equivalent of Xavier in English or Spanish.
From an Arolsen Archives document, we know that Ksaveras lived in Rotenburg in the British zone of Occupied Germany. He was married in Lithuania but his wife stayed there.
He left Bremerhaven for Australia with 842 other Baltic refugees on the USAT General Stuart Heintzelman on 30 October 1947 and 28 November he arrived to Australia.
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Ksaveras Antanaitis' ID photo from his Bonegilla card Source: Bonegilla Identity Card Lookup |
Ksaveras Antanaitis’ first job in Australia was with Engineering & Water Supply, Adelaide, SA. He was one of a group of 65 who left the Bonegilla camp on 7 January 1948 for Adelaide. The average age of the men was 24 and the wage they were offered was £5.12.6 per week. This was the first group of men sent by the Commonwealth Employment Service to work outside the camp.
A 2006 brochure, "SA water – celebrating 150 years", recorded their arrival as the major event of 1948. ‘An influx of migrant labour (particularly from Baltic states) brings a partial solution to chronic labour shortages’, it said.
‘“At last — freedom!” That was the first reaction of 65 Balts when they reached their new home in Bedford Park, Adelaide, yesterday’, the Mail newspaper wrote on 10 January 1948. Their first job was to be a new water main from the Happy Valley Reservoir into Adelaide, about 20 Km north.
The Mail of 14 February wrote, ‘Sixty-five eager young Baltic migrants camped in a paddock at Bedford Park are waiting for responsible authorities to teach them’.
The Mail of 21 February reported that, ‘While nothing was done officially this week to help the Balts, private citizens called on the strangers in their Bedford Park camp, invited them to their homes, offered to help teach them English’.
Ksaveras Antanaitis had started a new life in Australia, but an accident happened. In the Advertiser newspaper of 30 June 1948, we can read the sad notice: “A Balt labourer, K. S. Antanaitis, employed at the Engineering and Water Supply Department's Camp at Bedford Park, was fatally injured when he fell from a truck on Marion Road, Marion, yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a civil ambulance and was dead on arrival.”
The report to the City Coroner by a police sergeant adds the detail that the rear wheel of the truck had passed over Ksaveras after he fell. The accident happened at about 4.40 pm so, quite likely, he was travelling back to the Bedford Park camp after a day’s tiring work. It's like that there were other passengers so, all involved, down to the police and ambulance men, would have had another trauma added to their Second World War experiences.
There was an obituary in the Lithuanian-language newspaper Mintis, published in the US Zone of Occupied Germany on 2 August 1948. Translated, it reads, “In Adelaide (Australia) on June 29, Ksaveras Antanaitis, who came from the Rotenberg camp on the First Transport and was from Sakiai district, was killed in an accident in the workplace. He was buried on 1 July in Adelaide Cemetery with all the Balts in Adelaide and a large number of Australians.
"The belongings left by the deceased were taken by the police for protection. Relatives are asked to contact the Australian Lithuanian Society, 5 Hampden Street, Hurlstone Park, Sidney (sic), NSW, Australia, for inheritance and compensation matters, which is informed about the event and will be able to help with the inheritance issue.”
Ksaveras Antanaitis was buried in West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide. His exact burial place in cemetery is Road 3, Path 21, Aspect W, Site Number 22.
Adelaide Cemeteries, Record Search https://aca.sa.gov.au/aca-records/accessed 24 April 2024.
Advertiser (1948) ‘Balt Killed In Fall From Truck’ Adelaide, SA, 30 June https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/43772724 accessed 22 April 2024.
Ancestry, ‘Ksaveras Antanaitis in the South Australia, Australia, Supreme Court Criminal Records, 1837-1918; Reports to the Police Coroner, 1842-1961’ https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/62316/images/62316_b1111323-00096?treeid=&personid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=oIs490&_phstart=successSource&pId=16360 accessed 23 April 2024. [May require free Ancestry guest account to access.]
Arolsen Archives, Doc ID: 2735688 https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/66434156?s=ksaveras%20antanaitis&t=2735688&p=0 accessed 22 April 2024.
Australian Cemeteries Index https://austcemindex.com/?family_name=Antanaitis accessed 24 April 2024.
Bonegilla Migrant Experience, Bonegilla Identity Card Lookup, 'Ksaveras Antanaitis', https://idcards.bonegilla.org.au/record/203674046 accessed 24 April 2024.
Government of South Australia, SA Water (2006) 'SA water – celebrating 150 years' https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/34412631/150-years-commemorative-book-sa-water accessed 22 April 2024.
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild, 'USAT General Stuart Heintzelman', https://immigrantships.net/v10/1900v10/generalstuartheintzelman19471128_01.html accessed 29 April 2024.
Mail (1948) ‘Balts feel free after prison camp horrors’ Adelaide, SA, 10 January https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55903813 accessed 22 April 2024.
Mail (1948) ‘English Classes For Balts Arranged’ Adelaide, SA, 21 February, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55905295 accessed 22 April 2024.
Mail (1948) ‘No English Lessons For Eager Young Balts’ Adelaide, SA, 14 February https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55909057 accessed 22 April 2024.
Mintis [The Thought] (1948) ‘Tragiskai zuvo K. Antanaitis' ['K. Antanaitis died tragically', in Lithuanian]’, Memmingen, US Zone Germany, 2 August, p 4 https://www.spauda2.org/dp/dpspaudinys_mintis_memmingen_vasaitis/archive/1948-08-02-MINTIS-MEMMINGEN-VASAITIS.pdf accessed 22 April 2024.
National Archives of Australia, Department of Labour and National Service, Central Office; MT29/1, Employment Service Schedules (1947-1950); Schedule of displaced persons who left the Reception and Training Centre, Bonegilla Victoria for employment in the State of South Australia - [Schedule no SA1 to SA31] [page 106] (1948-1950) https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=23150376 accessed 24 April 2024.